Mandy's Story
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"Sometimes I thank God, for unanswered prayers....."

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

If you are viewing this page chances are you know me....but heres some more shit about the wonderful girl we call MANDY

Whos that hottie...

You poor child of God!
I am God's child **big grin**
You Cauc!
Are you wearin your glasses?
Your carpet has pretty colors!
Is your tounge burning?
What does poppin your cherry mean?
It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow.
-D. Unno
Crush, boyfriend its the same thing!
-Kayla (my 8 year old sister)haha i WISH that was the case!
It'a paranoying!

Favorite Stuff

Favorite TV Show: Rich Girls, RoomRaiders, Elimidate, 5th Wheel, Change of Heart...ya know all the degrading dating shows....
Favorite Movie: Without a doubt HOMEROOM!!!! I recently saw Animal House that was a funny one.  Oh, I LOVE The Sixth Sense.  TCM kicked ass too
Favorite Music: Depends on my mood: Country to Hip Hop
Favorite Book: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn By: Betty Smith
Favorite Sports Team: RETRIEVERS!
Favorite Food: Fettichini (the kind only my mommy knows how to make)
People I Most Admire: My Mommy

Favorite Quotes

Ranielle touched my twat!
The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau
Whats a mammory gland?
-Ranielle and Kathy
Your an odd dumpling.
What's Thai food?
What time is your 8am class?
Freakin A!
Was that a movie or did that really happen?
I hurt my foot playin bowling!