I can be quite hard headed when it comes to some topics...
Politics.....I could care less what part your from....it all comes down to the issues.
Abortion...PROLIFE...no one has the right to decided to take anothers life. You get knocked up, ur fault....live with it. Come on shrink wrap isn't that expensive....and for those of you that want to argue "what if its rape?" Why should some innocent child never be allowed to enjoy life because his "sperm donor" was a horrible person...Saw tgis really stupid sign today it said, "If abortion is a crime then sex is a felony."
Death Penalty...again no one has the right to decide to take anothers life. Plus with the horrible crimes they commited make them sit in that rotten, horrid cell til their Brain startes to decay....:-D
Homosexuality/Race...whys it matter. **gasp** we aren't all alike! Your point? People need to get over it. You wanna explain to me how the fact that someone's ancestors came from a sunnier climate makes them any less of a human being. And Guys u wanna explain why its ok for a girl to be Bi, but with guys its just wrong? Yay bright way of thinkin there....
War...all I got to say is that this seems to have become a neccesary evil....I don't approve of the way in which Bush, Jr. went about everything...but in the end i admit it was unavoidable....